Middle Years

​​The Middle Years are increasingly recognised as a crucial stage of schooling.   A constant consideration for teachers is to deliver effective learning and teaching for young adolescents by providing the best learning opportunities for engagement and in turn, student achievement.

It is through the thoughtful adoption of intentional approaches to learning and teaching that take into account of, and respond to, young adolescent learners in formal and informal contexts that effective middle years' education can be achieved. (Pendergast, 2020)

At St Eugene College, we encourage our Middle Years' students to Enter to Learn, Dare to Grow,  Leave to Serve.  We do this through:

  • Developing curious, independent and resilient students using the skills of creativity, critical reflection, communication and collaboration.
  • Providing authentic interdisciplinary learning experiences through a variety of pedagogical methodologies to meet the diverse learning needs of our students.
  • Using a variety of assessment tools including problem-based inquiries, project based learning and multi-modal presentations.
  • Encouraging students to develop their “voice" and providing opportunities for meaningful student engagement and agency.
  • Offering opportunities for students to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to develop independence, responsibility, physical and mental wellbeing and resilience.

We align our curriculum with the Australian Curriculum ensuring that the general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities are mapped accordingly.   Teachers design a wide variety of engaging learning activities that seek to expose students to multiple opportunities in multiple ways so each learner can successfully demonstrate what they know and can do.  

Our College Handbook does include subject information for years 7- 12, please click here​ to read through options.

2025 Middle Years Curriculum Handbook is in the writing process and will be uploaded soon.   To speak with a staff member about subjects on offer, please email Jo Morris jmorris@bne.catholic.edu.au​ and Jo will pass your email onto the relevant Assistant Principal.